How to Pick the Right Quality Power Socket
How to Pick the Right Quality Power Socket

Choose big brands. High-quality power sockets are available through J&S Lighting, Niu Niu Bada, Junlang and more.

Because it's difficult to determine the quality based on the appearance, except for an engineering socket, it is difficult to discern.

The quality of the socket is contingent on the thickness of the contact copper inside.

This is the disassembled inner structure of the socket, which is made from high-quality and post terminals made of copper, and the thickened contact copper sheets.

The inside structure of a superb socket is illustrated in the image above. It is constructed of thickened materials.

The internal structure of socket, which is a lower quality socket is shown below.

Copper sheet is thin. Fire and heat can result from too much space around the point of contact.

The socket is impossible to access if the terminal not removed. The socket is constructed of two copper sheets and an iron screw.

It is recommended to choose sockets from big brands and then visit physical stores to purchase sockets.

The online shopping experience may not be authentic.

Many brands have launched physical store versions as well as e-commerce versions at the same in order to keep up with the current market conditions.

The e-commerce version is the castrated version, while the quality power socket is definitely distinct.